나의 기쁨을 환영한다| The One with Koli Ori Akpet - On Creativity and Careers: Episode 32 (2022)


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Koli Ori Akpet - On Creativity and Careers

In this week's episode, our guest on the show is Koli Ori Akpet (@manlikekoli). We have an exciting conversation about the creative space and how he has nurtured his creative skills while maintaining his career. Trained as a lawyer, he also describes himself as a singer, songwriter, and poet.

We learn more about his creative skills, who and where he draws inspiration from, his lessons, and advice for upcoming creatives. 

He released an album titled. Welcome to my joy early this year (February), and you can stream it on all music platforms. Find Koli on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/@koli3750 and on IG and Twitter as @manlikekoli

Finally, Koli shared this quote: “The same things you were bullied about as a child are the very same things that make you a unique adult.” We’d like to hear from you about your childhood attributes that you’ve been able to turn around as a unique selling point as an adult.

Recommended Song: “Beautiful" - Koli (2022)
