나이지리아 비자| The One with Mo! – On Acquiring a Nigerian Visa in the USA: Episode 34 (2021)


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Mo!: On Acquiring a Nigerian Visa in the USA

Did you know that Nigeria made the list of the countries with the hardest countries to get a visa?

Dealing with Nigerian authorities, no matter where you are in the world is always an experience. I've had my fair share of this, and I do not hold back on sharing my experiences and lessons learned.

I'm back with more visa stories, but this time with beneficial tips for obtaining a Nigerian visa from the diaspora, particularly the United States. If you are a Nigerian in the diaspora with an expired Nigerian passport and want to visit home, or if you are married to a Nigerian and want to visit Nigeria with your spouse, or if you are going to visit Nigeria with your Nigerian friend(s), you will need this information. Or perhaps you don't fit in any of these criteria but would like to find ways to support your Nigerian friends!

I have also written a blog with step-by-step instructions for obtaining a Nigerian visa; I hope you find them helpful. Finally, listen to the podcast for its meat and provide feedback as you use the provided resources.

Read here: https://mosibyl.medium.com/acquiring-a-nigerian-visa-in-the-usa-38ff988adb0b


Stay Hopeful,

모 /Mo!/