올리비에가되기| The One with Olivier Day – On Awakening the Awesome in Us: Episode 4 (2020)


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Olivier Day – On Awakening the Awesome in Us

Let’s take a trip to Haiti, everyone, with today’s guest – Olivier Day. Olivier is the host of Awakening The Awesome Podcast where he talks on personal insights, showing people that you don’t have to be a superstar to be a SUPERSTAR. He truly strives to awaken the awesomeness in all of us.

Haiti is known to have a rich cultural history, and its people are resilient people having been through a lot together from natural disasters to economic hardships and corrupt, inept governance, and yet still stand strong. They are known to be entrepreneurial, warm-hearted, fun-loving, positive, uncomplicated, welcoming, and also a HUGE sense of pride. Could that be the pride that made our guest face adversity and still come out strong? As a Nigerian, I could not help but draw the parallels between my country and Haiti.

Olivier and I also talked about his marriage; how he purged the toxicity that almost damaged his marriage and the need for men to be more open and vulnerable with their partners. I also asked about parenting tips – the ones he’s recycling from his father and things he’s doing differently.

My overall impression of Olivier is this - 

Here’s a man who shows that strength comes from admitting one’s weakness, having the courage to change, and knowing that changing the world begins with changing oneself.

Notable Quotes

On Marriage:

I am not married to the same person I was dating 16 years ago. We both understand the concept of growth. We have been through a lot together – having children together, loss of jobs, depression, and everything and all that jazz. It’s not about misery loves company. It’s about the fact that you understand that this is a commitment, partnership, and teamwork. But the best core element for us is about rigorous honesty, open communication, trust, and vulnerability. When one person can’t show up or take the lead, the other person takes the lead. That’s what has worked best for us. It’s a growing process and never a one-stop-shop formula.

- Oliver Day

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Guest Bio

  • About Olivier Day:

    I'm Olivier and I want to welcome you to the official website of the Awaken The Awesome podcast. When I was in a very bad period of my life - lost my job, new house, new baby, debts piling on, with fear, uncertainty, and doubt keeping me company as I spent my days trying my best to keep it together...I eventually realized that no amount of wallowing in self-pity or toxic internal dialogue was gonna amount to anything other than a waste of time. Raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, I was rather familiar with overcoming obstacles despite being dealt a lousy hand. I also realized that, in the process of getting back on my feet and shaking off this funk I'd gotten into, it was quite possible I wasn't alone in feeling this way. With nothing but time on my hands, I tapped into my background in communication, broadcasting, copywriting, photography, and customer service and got to work. I wanted to create this podcast as both of means of recording my journey as well as extending a hand, as I aim to connect with individuals, just like you, who in their own authentic way, get to teach me how to embrace, define and express the awesomeness that lies within all of us. It's an ongoing journey. 

Show Notes


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