눈부신 용기| The One With Sola Adewumi - On Winning Against All Odds: Episode 23 (2021)


The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One With Sola Adewumi - On Winning Against All Odds

If resilience and strength were a person, it would be my dear cousin, Sola Adewumi, a woman who is chasing her dreams against all odds.

Sola is a mum of two who is currently studying for her nursing degree in Canada. In this episode, she opened up about battling with failure, the several low moments she has experienced, and the invaluable lessons they have taught her. She also talked about her relocation to Canada and the behind-the-scenes information on transitioning to nursing from digital marketing in a foreign land!

In this episode, we explore our childhood traumas and their impact on adulthood, being cousins, how Sola’s rare, genetic eye condition, retinitis pigmentosa (an eye disease that causes progressive vision loss) – greatly affected her education, and making a career switch from digital marketing to nursing. Sola took the IELTS examination nine times before getting her desired score! Listen to find out what she did differently on her final attempt. Perhaps you are struggling with failure, this is an episode to encourage you to keep going on.

PS: Because of the nature of our relationship, this episode with my cousin contains some dark humor and outright ridiculousness that might be uncomfortable to some listeners. But it’s all in good jest – and just what you do as cousins!

PPS: Using this episode to generate awareness for retinitis pigmentosa. As of the time of this recording, there’s yet to be a cure for this debilitating disease. If you will like to read more about it and lend some support, click here: https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/retinitis-pigmentosa/

Recommended Song: “Keep Holding On”– Avril Lavigne (2007)

Keep holding on,

모 /Mo!/
