Posts tagged Oklahoma
집에 갈 때| The One with T-Dawg (Again) – On Going Back Home to Nigeria: Episode 43 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with T-Dawg (Again) – On Going Back Home to Nigeria

It’s been eight years since T-Dawg visited Nigeria. Before we boarded the plane, I did a sesh with him to gauge his expectations – which sadly were non-existent. But I did try to dig out some potential things to be excited about regarding going back home.

We also answered a personal question from one of our listeners about our braces.


Hint: If you are using your teeth, you are doing it all wrong. Well, you have to listen to find out what this is about.

Happy New Year, and may it be the best year yet!

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창작자의 생활| The One with Loretta: The Life of a Creative and Other Stories: Episode 34 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 창작자의 생활| The One with Loretta: The Life of a Creative and Other Stories: Episode 34 (2019)

As a Nigerian who moved to the US in her 20’s, it was quite a challenge making long-lasting friends, especially due to cultural differences and well, inadequately managed expectations. All of which I talked about with my guest.

So meet Loretta Nwandu: who moved to the US at the age of 15 to begin college and later earned a Masters in Engineering Management. Listen to her story on how she acculturated, found community, and built friendship. Loretta and I both believe in multiculturalism and it's one of the many reasons we love the US! Today, Loretta lives in Atlanta where she does ministry work for Jesus and uses her skills as a creative to meet the needs of her clients.

In this episode, you also get to hear about the unique opportunity and challenges of being a creative person as well as the duality of being one while under the employment of someone else.

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그녀의 이야기| The One with Olabimpe – On HerStory: Heartbreaks, Finding Love, and Female Friendships: Episode 23 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 그녀의 이야기| The One with Olabimpe – On HerStory: Heartbreaks, Finding Love, and Female Friendships: Episode 23 (2019))


From his book – The Four Loves, CS Lewis had this to say about friendship. “The ideal climate for friendship exists when a few people are absorbed in some common, but not always necessary interest. Lovers are usually imagined face-to-face, friends are best imagined by side; their eyes ahead on the common interest.”


That said, here’s reintroducing my dearest friend – Olabimpe - with whom I am well-pleased. Our common interests being doing God’s will, Jesus and plantains (expect a 7-min full convo on our love for Jirade’s plantains: s/o to my supplier – (Mojirade Bepo of Jirade Diadem (@jiradeventures), and fighting injustices in our little spaces. Bimpe and I met when I was 16 when we both signed up to be a part of a choir for teens and youth ministry (@solid_live). So you can say we go a long way, despite how much I moan about not being good with female friendships.


In this episode, you get to hear all about Olabimpe’s story which is a rare opportunity given how private she is. We talked about her being single, a recent heartbreak that almost made her curse the guy out, signs you might be dating a narcissist, how she nursed her broken heart, why she’s still hopeful about love. We also talked about what it takes to be a good friend, the huge fight we had that nearly changed the course of our friendship, as well as conflict resolution tips. If anything, you get to hear two silly friends talk about everything! Yeah, we failed the Bechdel Test a few minutes into the episode.

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미혼이지만| The One with Bibi – On Maximizing the Three S’s - Single, Sent, and Satisfied: Episode 22 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 미혼이지만| The One with Bibi – On Maximizing the Three S’s - Single, Sent, and Satisfied: Episode 22 (2019)


This week’s episode with my guest – Bibi – attempted to answer the following questions surrounding single life: How do you maximize your singleness and joy in a world that wants everyone to be coupled up, by any means necessary? What can the church do to encourage everyone, especially singles, to find their life purpose above and beyond the institution of marriage?  


We also explored the many gifts singles have that are envied by the married (especially yours truly). And yes, we also went there – to talking about premarital sex, porn, and masturbation. And finally, I threw a wild question at my guest as to why it seems that single (godly) men aren’t committing to women these days.


My guest, who is in her 20s and whom I met on Twitter BTW, Bidemi “Bibi” Babatunde, is a minister of the gospel of Jesus with this central message: “God is not angry with you, He expended all His anger on Jesus.” She is passionate about helping believers grow in their full identity in Christ and drop the cloak of meaningless religiosity. She was the best graduating student of her bible college (The Stand Point Church Refinery) in 2018 and currently lives in the Greater Toronto area where she manages fundraising and communications for a charity that helps children with autism.

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청소년을 위해| The One with Adekunbi - On Making Nigerian Youth Employable and Gender Roles: Episode 21 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 청소년을 위해| The One with Adekunbi - On Making Nigerian Youth Employable and Gender Roles: Episode 21 (2019)


Meet Adekunbi Oyelade, a lawyer, youth advocate, and the CEO/founder of Sesewa - Nigeria's first internship-focused career development company. Sesewa was founded in her college dorm room in 2009 while a student of the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. She founded it due to the frustration with difficulty in getting an internship position.

Subsequently, in this episode, we talked about her entrepreneurial journey, regrets, and future plans. We also did a smooth segue into gender roles and the relative advantage of the gender-selective child-rearing conferred upon the Nigerian girl child as well as tips to balancing this.


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산에 사는 그녀| The One with Sujana - Nepalese-Born, US-Educated, Future Scientist: Episode 20 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Sujana - Nepalese-Born, US-Educated, Future Scientist

Let’s take a trip to Nepal, everyone, with today’s guest - Sujana Rupakheti. Sujana is a pre-med international student from Nepal and she holds a Bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in chemistry and mathematics. In this episode, we talked about her move from Nepal to the US, adjusting to the educational system here, acculturation challenges, and her reasons for choosing the US to pursue a medical degree.

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우리 가족의 가치| The One with The Lawals - On Raising Nigerian-American Kids: Episode 28 (2018)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with The Lawals

In talking with some of my friends, especially those who just became new parents, I found that a lot of them struggle with the feeling of insecurity around parenthood and fear of not doing enough as a parent. It humbles me when I hear these conversations because I think most of them are really good parents. In a bid to build community for these issues, I invited The Lawals on the show. Thus, this episode is dedicated to those friends and others like them. I hope you find community through this episode and that much more, you realize how amazing you already are.

This episode features a candid conversation with Nigerian parents who are raising Nigerian-American kids. You will hear about their insecurities, fears, and rewards regarding parenting. On how certain adaptations and tag teaming are necessary when raising kids in a different society than you grew up in. Also, on cultural differences and why some Nigerian parents do not allow their kids to go on sleepovers or playdates.

PS: This episode was shot in their house on a lazy Saturday morning.  I have come to a soft conclusion that Nigerian kids, raised by Nigerian parents, have a lot of shared experiences and of being grounded similarly, regardless of where they grow up in the world. Gotta give it to Naija parents for the homogeneity.

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부부 선교사| The One with The Bunns - Americans Serving Internationals: Episode 25 (2018)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with The Bunns

Meet the Bunns or like I call them, Love Bunns; they are one of my favorite dyads in the world. Despite just meeting them a little over a year ago in Oklahoma, I consider myself blessed and honored to be a part of their family and that I get to call them “fremily” (family+friends).

Charlie and Dona Bunn are also the Directors/Chi-Alpha campus pastors for the University of Central Oklahoma. Chi-Alpha is an outreach ministry to universities to reach students, reconcile them to Christ, and transform the university, the marketplace, and the world. Statistics have reported that 85% of international students have neither eaten in an American home and 75% have never been in an American home. The Bunns, through their ministry, are trying to change those statistics. For twenty years, they have been building community for international students to give them a sense of belonging.

In this episode, we explored how Americans can benefit from multiculturalism, and how internationals (students) in the US contribute to broaden the worldview of Americans. We also talked about what Americans can do to change the perception held by most internationals of Americans of being just friendly but not necessarily good friends.

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미래 대사님| The One with Alex- Future United Nations Ambassador: Episode 16 (2018)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Alex

Meet Alex: Alex grew up in Trujillo, Peru and is one of the amazing 20 year-olds I have ever come in contact with. He was an exchange student here in Oklahoma, and in this episode, we explored what growing up in Peru was like, his triumphs and regrets as an exchange student in the US, and his future ambitions.

According to Alex:

"I come from a multicultural family; being Latin, Hispanic, and Peruvian is such a blessing to me. Peru is such a multicultural place; we got so many influences around the world. We pretty much are still in the shadow of the Inca Empire. We were a Spanish colony for so long. If you wanna eat, visit Peru; if you wanna experience culture, visit Peru. In addition to visiting Machu Picchu, there are many other beautiful places to visit. Peruvians are warm and friendly, and the country is also very inviting. If I could choose one thing I love about Peru, it would have to be the food."

 On why he is interested in international affairs and diplomacy, Alex had this to say:

“I do believe that together, we can achieve a lot. Sometimes, when we do not get involved with other people (from other countries), we see more differences than similarities. We are in an era of globalization, every culture must contribute something."

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