Posts tagged Therapy
40살이 되면|On Milestones and Memories - The One Where TDawg Turns 40: Episode 6 (2024)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 40살이 되면|On Milestones and Memories - The One Where TDawg Turns 40: Episode 6 (2024)

Today’s special episode features my wonderful, devoted, and sweet husband, Taiwo, also known as TDawg. For TDawg, May was a month of celebrations and introspection as he turned forty, a momentous milestone. Even with his rigorous work schedule—36 days straight with little time off—TDawg could still enjoy the satisfaction of reaching this goal. As we celebrated his 40th birthday, he talked about how this decade feels distinct but still important. His expectations were far exceeded by the lavish nature of the 40th birthday celebration. Everything was well thought out, from the branded drinks to the careful planning.

Questioning TDawg during the episode about his biggest triumphs and difficulties, he shared, despite his modesty, that he recognized many noteworthy achievements. It was a dream come true for him to finish residency training and work alongside his colleague, Dr. Diana Escobedo, as chief resident. His professional recognition demonstrated his excellence in the field, including an invitation to set the standard for the American Board of Family Medicine. He adores our daughter Arife, and he considers becoming a father to be a wonderful and meaningful experience. Securing a master's degree in Public Health and Epidemiology represented yet another noteworthy accomplishment on his path. He also acknowledged that there have been difficulties along the way.

TDawg shared heart-warming memories of his late father, highlighting the values instilled in him—hard work, dedication, and striving to be the best version of himself. He reminisced about their time together, from learning multiplication tables to working on the family farm in Ota, Ogun State, filled with laughter, hard work, and invaluable life lessons. Despite the pain of losing his father, he finds comfort in the fond memories and the enduring influence of his father's teachings, which continue to guide him in his approach to life and his aspirations for the future.

TDawg's journey to 40 is marked by significant achievements, profound reflections, and a deep appreciation for the love and support of his family and friends. His story is one of growth and gratitude. As he embarks on the next chapter of his life, he does so with a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose, knowing that the best is yet to come. His experiences serve as an inspiration to prioritize well-being, find joy in the little things, and always strive for balance. TDawg’s story is a reminder of the power of perseverance and the impact of meaningful connections in shaping a fulfilling life journey.

Special thanks to TDawg’s niece, Ibukun, for her immense help with this episode.

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안녕 나의 친구들| The One with the Mo!nologue - How Are You, Mosiblings?: Episode 30 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

안녕 나의 친구들| The One with the Mo!nologue - How Are You, Mosiblings?: Episode 30 (2022)

In this week's episode, we have only one of our hosts, Mo - oh, and her lovely toddler girl, and she shares how she's been celebrating her birthday month: traveling, one of her favorite things! She spent the first half of her trip enjoying quality time with her husband, T-Dawg (you should check out their episodes!), and the next half was in Europe, which she loved and will visit again.

She also shares some not-so-great parts of her travel, especially missing her baby girl. Finally, she talks about the highlights of her trip, where she'd love to relocate, the beautiful places she's visited, her thoughts on good and bad experiences, and how she's doing. We'd love to know how you are doing, so do let us know in the comments below: how are you doing?

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콘크리트 목초지| The One with Nancy Mulemwa Siisii - Concrete Pastures: From Zambia To NYC: Episode 29 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 콘크리트 목초지| The One with Nancy Mulemwa Siisii - Concrete Pastures: From Zambia To NYC: Episode 29 (2022)

Our guest for this episode is Nancy Mulelwa Siisii, a fellow podcaster who shares her immigration story from Mongu, Zambia, to New York City, spanning 20 years!

As a dreamer, she had and continues to have a passion for making substantive bonds with audiences and helping to inspire people to reach for their dreams. Being an immigrant has been one of her life's most challenging and extraordinary experiences. It inspired her to start her podcast “Concrete Pastures: An African Immigrant Storyas a platform to reach out to fellow immigrants and dreamers.

Nancy started out as a babysitter in New York before transitioning to McDonald's and Bloomingdale’s and finally making her way as a branch manager in one of the top financial institutions in the world.

Currently separated from her partner of 15 years, we explored the pains of failed relationships, especially when children are involved. Most importantly, gaining clarity on the part both individuals play when relationships don’t work out anymore.

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내 불안에 대한 모든 것| The One with Mo!’s Anxiety - On Living With Your Own Brain: Episode 27 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 내 불안에 대한 모든 것| The One with Mo!’s Anxiety - On Living With Your Own Brain: Episode 27 (2022)

In this episode, Ayomide interviewed me (again), but from the perspective of my relationship with anxiety. We talked about how I have been struggling with anxiety and the relationship between my anxiety and my parents. For context, my mum had me at 21, before marriage, and she was from a typical Christian home. I have struggled with anxiety as far back as I can remember—I cannot remember any time I wasn’t. Ayomide went through my experiences with me, and we discussed how I could be better going forward, especially in light of how I view myself and rub off on my daughter.

Of course, this is my own story, and your mileage may vary. Still, I have often found the stories of others helpful. Hopefully, you’ll find something to take away from my stories of living with anxiety, handling complicated relationships and cases, dealing with childhood trauma and its later effects, and coming out positive.

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새해; 같은 목표| The One With Mo!nologue – New Year; Same Goals: Episode 1 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

새해; 같은 목표| The One With Mo!nologue – New Year; Same Goals: Episode 1 (2022)

The new year comes with a new season for The More Sibyl Podcast but for me, it's not always about resolutions but just implementing on goals I hope to achieve.

This episode is to welcome you all to Season Five of The More Sibyl Podcast and to unpack all that we have in store for you. In this episode, I give an update of the things I have been up to since you last heard from me, a recap of last season’s award winners, and what you should expect this season. I went off the tangent a little, but that’s fine too.

I shared a bit about my personal struggles, wins, plans, changes, and all I have been up to, in an encouraging way. Hoping you can glean something from this.

There’s a big change coming to the podcast, listen in to know exactly what it is!

This episode is quite inspirational, lighthearted, and vulnerable and you will learn a lot not only about me but about yourself and the real changes you should be making for yourself in 2022.

Listen to everything shared here.

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희망과 사랑| The One with Poojee - On Cross-Cultural Friendships & Resilience: Episode 35 (2018)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Poojee

This is one episode you should not miss as it features my very own Poojee!

In this episode, Poojee aka Omonike (my mother gave her this name, and it means ‘a child to be cherished’ in Yoruba – A Nigerian language) and I gush shamelessly about the love we have for each other. Pu, as I love to call her, and I went to grad school together in Austin, and she now lives in London. If you’re my friend on Facebook, you would have seen posts of me her and together. In this episode, we explored Poo’s story: growing up (female) in India; dropping out of grad school; how she coped with managing those expectations and from others too; our friendship and its oddities; and why we will not be breaking up anytime soon.

Poo is about one of the very few friends I chased (I am usually the one being chased), and I explain why this was so and why I would shamelessly do it over and over again. Poo is as geeky and nerdy as I am and loves Korean drama too. We also both share a mutual disdain for Apple® products. Suffice to say, our friendship will irretrievably break if either one of us cheats on the other by taking a bite from any of the already-bitten Apple products that are Mac and all of its i-Friends.

TL; DR: It’s a story of an odd love, friendship, and sisterhood between two most unlikely people who share different beliefs on religion (she is Hindu, I am Christian) and food (she eats rabbit food (aka vegetarian), and I eat rabbits (aka non-vegetarian), and even personalities (she’s introvertish, and I am hella extravertish, yup it’s a word!). How we make it work and how a little understanding and radical acceptance is needed in cross-cultural friendships. It’s also a story of resilience, dealing with the fear of failure, and keeping things moving.

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