Posts tagged scholarship
구강내과 교수| The One with Dr. Omolehinwa - From Nigeria to UPenn as a Professor of Oral Medicine: Episode 14 (2023)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 구강내과 교수| The One with Dr. Omolehinwa - From Nigeria to UPenn as a Professor of Oral Medicine: Episode 14 (2023)

Join me in this thought-provoking discussion with Dr. Temitope Omolehinwa, BDS, DScD, DMD, a distinguished dentist and clinical researcher from Nigeria. Growing up in a family of healthcare professionals, Dr. Omolehinwa was immersed in science from an early age. However, a personal encounter with a toothache during her junior secondary school years ignited her unwavering passion for dentistry.

Dr. Omolehinwa's expertise lies in clinical and translational research, focusing on enhancing oral health outcomes for patients with HIV and other comorbidities. She also explores the fascinating potential of mesenchymal stem cells in stimulating salivary gland repair following radioactive iodine therapy.

Throughout our conversation, Dr. Omolehinwa shared her remarkable journey from Nigeria to the United States, where she pursued advanced education and training. She emphasized how her Nigerian training served as a solid foundation for her subsequent residency in the US. Driven by her passion for dentistry and inclination towards research, she decided to stay in the US, pursuing a dental degree while delving deeper into the world of research. This pivotal shift opened up new opportunities for her, ultimately leading to her successful application for the prestigious R01 award from the American Academy of Oral Medicine.

Our discussion delved into important aspects of oral healthcare, guided by Dr. Omolehinwa's exceptional expertise and engaging demeanor. This episode sheds light on her personal journey and educates and reminds us of the profound significance of oral health care. Whether you seek dental advice or are curious about the field, this podcast episode will leave you with a newfound appreciation for maintaining a healthy smile.

Dr. Omolehinwa is an incredibly intelligent individual, and I am grateful for her presence on the podcast. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her, as it was filled with insightful discussions. I am confident that you will also find immense value in our conversation. On a personal note, Dr. Omolehinwa has been a cherished presence in my life since my university days. Not only is she one of the sweetest and gentlest spirits I know, but she also serves as both my sister and mentor.

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열정적인 사람들| The One with Naga Subramanya: Strictly Podfessional – On Passion, Purpose, and Podcasting: Episode 35 (2019)

열정적인 사람들| The One with Naga Subramanya: Strictly Podfessional – On Passion, Purpose, and Podcasting: Episode 35 (2019)

Naga Subramanya, who is Indian and lives in Bangalore, is one of the guys trying to do great things in the world. You only have to hear his story to see his passion for living and purpose. And speaking of passion, he began a podcast with that same title -  Passion People Podcast – while couch-surfing during a gap year he took three years ago. As a Nigerian, the concept of taking a gap year (except the JAMB-enforced kind) is as alien to me as adopting a vegan cat. And I think my fellow Indians might agree with me on this one. But hear from Naga, who did just that in 2016.

We also explored Naga’s childhood, the peculiarity and opportunities of dating in India, given the caste system and the increasing adoption of technology and dating apps. How he waited two years to ask his wife out and another nine years before he could finally get to marry her. So I made him leave, Krithika, his dear wife, a love note in his native tongue. Finally, Naga and I talked about his concept of self-love and body image.

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축구와 인생| The One with Cyrus: The Iranian-Mexican American & Football Coach – On Why We All Need to Fail: Episode 33 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Cyrus: The Iranian-Mexican American & Football Coach – On Why We All Need to Fail: Episode 33 (2019)

It’s my 33rd episode this year! How auspicious considering I am raising funds for my educational scholarship – The 33 Project. If you are yet to donate and will like to (really I accept all currencies and denominations), kindly click on the donate link below. The GoFundMe page is looking all lonesome without your contribution :-D. Also, we are now accepting applications for the scholarship beneficiaries (see link below).

For this week’s episode, I was honored to have Cyrus Mohseni on the show to talk about his life and passion who was born to an Iranian father and a Mexican mom (you need to listen to hear how they met – it’s a better love story than La La land (don’t @ me)) in Bellflower, California. Cyrus started playing football at the age of three in American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), eventually moving to Europe at 18  and even got signed with Icelandic club Vestri. Now armed with the title of a former professional soccer player, Cyrus has been coaching for over six years and through his charity – Giving Football, he provides underprivileged youth the opportunity to play football. Cyrus is also the founding party of the Keystone Team – a family-owned real-estate business located in Southern California.

In this episode, we talked about his upbringing, what soccer meant (and still means to him), how he navigated a career switch, and why we all need to rethink our attitude towards failure.

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나의 열정| The One with Mo! + CausePods – Why I Do What I Do: Episode 32 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Mo! + CausePods – Why I Do What I Do: Episode 32 (2019)


This week, I share an episode I did on Causepods; a passion project of The Podcast Consultant, Mathew Passy. Mathew’s platform is designed to interview folks who are using podcasts to raise awareness for a good cause.

During this time, we talked about why I started my podcast platform (hint, it began with my love of radio as a child of the 80s) and how I have been able to build community through my episodes. I also talked about my heritage as a Nigerian and my love for the Korean culture, as well as how I address tough issues for Black and Asian communities.

Finally, I shared my passion for education and how the gift of education has helped me become and what I am currently doing to give that gift to indigent children and families in Nigeria via my educational scholarship project – The 33 Project.

You can read more about Mathew here:

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모의 일기| The One with Mo! – On Bad and Good News: Episode 30 (2019)

모의 일기| The One with Mo! – On Bad and Good News: Episode 30 (2019)

The past year has been a rollercoaster of fun and not-so-much fun stuff. In this bare-all episode, which was taped at the cusp of turning 33, I shared some good and bad news about a recent medical diagnosis and the odyssey it took to get there.


Giving how overwhelming as you expect this to be, I brought my therapy dawg – T-Dawg  – back on the show for moral support. I also reflected on what year 32 great which included having the courage to face some personal demons, practicing vulnerability, responsibility, faith, and creative expressions.


Perhaps, the one message I will leave here to encourage anyone reading this is to remember that suffering is an integral part of life. We all suffer; we all are just not equipped in talking about it. Also that in suffering we can find meaning and I have found just that in mine and that is using my story to set people free and that by lifting a load off of others, I find my own pain tolerable. It’s why I started that #33Project. If you know me, you know I am big on education. So I implore you all to consider donating towards this cause. No amount is too small (see links below).


I also hope this episode serves as a reminder that in addition to the greatness that you all see that abounds in me, you now get to hear about some of the sufferings as well, to understand that this is just the right margin God needs to show his supremacy. And that his grace is just enough balm to sooth this wild ride of a life I am blessed to have. And even if it is schadenfreude you take out of my message, that’s also very OK, haha.


That said, I am grateful for life. Yesterday, I spent the whole day with my favorite person in the world doing things as simple as getting on a cable car, eating at my favorite Korean restaurant, going on a late-night movie date, and walking hand-in-hand chatting like a couple of teenagers in love without a care in the world. Life’s good, indeed.


Thank you all for your messages and calls.


I remain your lantern,



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