Posts tagged Education
어버이날| Unbreakable Bonds: A Father's Day Special with Paula and Mr. Theophan Mulamula: Episode 7 (2024)

어버이날| Unbreakable Bonds: A Father's Day Special with Paula and Mr. Theophan Mulamula: Episode 7 (2024)

Today’s episode is unique as we celebrate Father's Day with two extraordinary guests, Paula and her father, Mr Theophan Mulamula. I first stumbled upon Paula's story a couple of years ago through a podcast she did with her dad, which left a lasting impression on me. Now, I’m thrilled to have them both share their experiences. Paula's admiration for her dad is palpable. She recounts cherished memories from her childhood in Tanzania to her current life in Georgia, each story highlighting her father's unwavering support and love. One significant moment she shared was during a chaotic night in Tanzania, where her father's calm presence and quick action reassured her and her friends amidst a crisis. It's moments like these that exemplify their strong bond.

During our conversation, it becomes clear that Paula and her father have a bond beyond traditional father-daughter relationships. Mr. Mulamula, a single father, candidly discusses his challenges as a parent and his unconventional approach to parenting. Growing up in a traditional African household with strict discipline, he recognized the need for a different approach with his children.

Paula, who affectionately refers to herself as a "daddy's girl," describes how their bond developed over time. From daring adventures in Tanzania to her adolescent rebellion, their path was distinguished by mutual respect and understanding. She cherishes her father's support throughout her life, from cutting her hair to expressing her feelings about his girlfriends. Their partnership exemplifies the power of unconditional love and mutual respect in building a good parent-child relationship.

We touched on essential topics ranging from Paula's background in Tanzania to her adventures in Georgia. One remarkable incident was when Paula went to Birmingham without saying anything, leaving her family apprehensive until she called her father. It symbolized their trust and understanding, a link that transcended space and time. Another poignant event was Mr. Mulamula's honest sex education discussion with Paula, an uncommon and bold step for a dad of his time. Tune in to this beautiful episode.

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아프리카의 목소리에 힘을 실어주기|The One with Bidemi Adedire - On Empowering African Voices: Episode 3 (2024)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Bidemi Adedire - On Empowering African Voices: Preserving Oral Traditions and Driving Digital Innovations

In this episode, we had the privilege of hosting Bidemi Adedire; a trailblazer in cultural preservation and storytelling. Her work is not just about preserving the past; it's also about ensuring that our voices are heard and our stories are remembered for generations to come. She is a founding member of African Podcasters and Voice Artists (APVA). Ms. Adedire has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of African podcasting and voice artistry. Through APVA, she has pioneered initiatives to resource the audio-creative sector, including the APVAAwards, which honored us with the Diasporan Podcast of the Year award last year, fostering a thriving community that celebrates the diversity and richness of African storytelling.

Growing up in Lagos, Nigeria, Bidemi navigated the complexities of life with the unwavering support of her parents, who prioritized education despite financial constraints. This early exposure to the value of learning ignited a lifelong passion for knowledge and storytelling in Bidemi. Bidemi fondly recalls her childhood love for reading, which was nurtured by her father's gift of a box of novels. These books opened doors to new worlds and ideas, shaping Bidemi's perspective on life and her place in the world.

As an adult, Bidemi’s commitment to empowerment is palpable. From facilitating forums like Lunch and Learn for women to fostering community engagement, she champions the ethos of giving back. Her vision for a future where African voices resound with pride and recognition is both aspirational and attainable. Bidemi's story reminds us of the power of resilience, generosity, and community. Her journey inspires us to believe in the potential for positive change, both within ourselves and in the world around us.

Join us in this enlightening conversation as we explore the impact of family, education, and community support on personal development and discover the importance of empowering African voices in podcasting and beyond.

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열정적인 사람들| The One with Naga Subramanya: Strictly Podfessional – On Passion, Purpose, and Podcasting: Episode 35 (2019)

열정적인 사람들| The One with Naga Subramanya: Strictly Podfessional – On Passion, Purpose, and Podcasting: Episode 35 (2019)

Naga Subramanya, who is Indian and lives in Bangalore, is one of the guys trying to do great things in the world. You only have to hear his story to see his passion for living and purpose. And speaking of passion, he began a podcast with that same title -  Passion People Podcast – while couch-surfing during a gap year he took three years ago. As a Nigerian, the concept of taking a gap year (except the JAMB-enforced kind) is as alien to me as adopting a vegan cat. And I think my fellow Indians might agree with me on this one. But hear from Naga, who did just that in 2016.

We also explored Naga’s childhood, the peculiarity and opportunities of dating in India, given the caste system and the increasing adoption of technology and dating apps. How he waited two years to ask his wife out and another nine years before he could finally get to marry her. So I made him leave, Krithika, his dear wife, a love note in his native tongue. Finally, Naga and I talked about his concept of self-love and body image.

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축구와 인생| The One with Cyrus: The Iranian-Mexican American & Football Coach – On Why We All Need to Fail: Episode 33 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Cyrus: The Iranian-Mexican American & Football Coach – On Why We All Need to Fail: Episode 33 (2019)

It’s my 33rd episode this year! How auspicious considering I am raising funds for my educational scholarship – The 33 Project. If you are yet to donate and will like to (really I accept all currencies and denominations), kindly click on the donate link below. The GoFundMe page is looking all lonesome without your contribution :-D. Also, we are now accepting applications for the scholarship beneficiaries (see link below).

For this week’s episode, I was honored to have Cyrus Mohseni on the show to talk about his life and passion who was born to an Iranian father and a Mexican mom (you need to listen to hear how they met – it’s a better love story than La La land (don’t @ me)) in Bellflower, California. Cyrus started playing football at the age of three in American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), eventually moving to Europe at 18  and even got signed with Icelandic club Vestri. Now armed with the title of a former professional soccer player, Cyrus has been coaching for over six years and through his charity – Giving Football, he provides underprivileged youth the opportunity to play football. Cyrus is also the founding party of the Keystone Team – a family-owned real-estate business located in Southern California.

In this episode, we talked about his upbringing, what soccer meant (and still means to him), how he navigated a career switch, and why we all need to rethink our attitude towards failure.

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나의 열정| The One with Mo! + CausePods – Why I Do What I Do: Episode 32 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Mo! + CausePods – Why I Do What I Do: Episode 32 (2019)


This week, I share an episode I did on Causepods; a passion project of The Podcast Consultant, Mathew Passy. Mathew’s platform is designed to interview folks who are using podcasts to raise awareness for a good cause.

During this time, we talked about why I started my podcast platform (hint, it began with my love of radio as a child of the 80s) and how I have been able to build community through my episodes. I also talked about my heritage as a Nigerian and my love for the Korean culture, as well as how I address tough issues for Black and Asian communities.

Finally, I shared my passion for education and how the gift of education has helped me become and what I am currently doing to give that gift to indigent children and families in Nigeria via my educational scholarship project – The 33 Project.

You can read more about Mathew here:

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고마운 여행| The One with Claire Mukashyaka – From Rwanda with Love: Episode 31 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Claire Mukashyaka – From Rwanda with Love

Hear from Claire, on her life as a child growing up in post-genocidal Rwanda being born at the cusp of the Rwandan genocide. On how education paved the way for her as a young girl growing up in rural Rwanda, herding cows to now working in Boston as a PK/PD modeling (pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling) scientist working on precision genetic medicine for patients with rare genetic-based diseases. Hear about the change agents and sacrifices that got her there.

Claire also shared about her recent grad experience on academic failure. The hope is to encourage anyone struggling with grad school, especially when to make crucial decisions for when to take a pause and explore other options.


About Claire: Born and raised in Rwanda in East Africa, she is the number five of seven children with three brothers and three sisters, five nieces and three nephews. She moved to the USA in 2012 for a college education at Oklahoma Christian University, where she graduated with BSc in Biochemistry in 2016. She then started graduate school at OUHSC in 2016, and just graduated with an MS in Pharmaceutical sciences in 2019.

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