마이크가 흔들릴 때| When the Mic Shakes: A Journey Back to Confidence as a Podcast Host: Episode 3 (2023)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

마이크가 흔들릴 때| When the Mic Shakes: A Journey Back to Confidence as a Podcast Host: Episode 3 (2023)

Guess who's back with a lot of energy and some confidence? Yes, your favorite podcast host is back! I don't know anyone better to return here with and discuss my walk to podcasting confidence than Bimpe, my childhood friend. Yes, I lost some confidence, and this episode was my attempt to regain it. Or a semblance of it. What caused this loss in confidence? Well, turned out it was several factors. You gotta listen to find these out.

We discussed the difficulty of maintaining hobbies and passions when life becomes hectic. Bimpe offered helpful advice on rekindling interest in things you once enjoyed amidst the concept of self-limitation and the importance of self-discipline. Finally, the conversation concluded with a powerful message to never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult they appear to pursue. 

I’d like to hear from you. Please share your experience regaining confidence and consistency after life's busyness has taken it away.

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금융 교육| The One with Funmi Okubanjo – On financial literacy & empowering low-income families in Africa: Episode 2 (2023)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

 금융 교육| The One with Funmi Okubanjo – On financial literacy & empowering low-income families in Africa: Episode 2 (2023)

Funmi is a serial entrepreneur, an angel investor, and a humanitarian. She’s also a catalyst, a crusader by design, and very savvy with money. She’s someone who truly understands the value of bringing to life visions that have the potential to transform human lives. She has spent over 14 years in finance, education, technology, and non-profit, across sales, operations, marketing, and fundraising. Through her ventures, she’s done great work lifting women from low-income families via entrepreneurship from poverty while providing education pathways to their progenies.

In addition to helping manage some of my investments back home in Nigeria, she also serves as the mother to my godchildren. Funmi is happily married with three kids.

In this episode, we explored her life story: career and marriage, businesses (starting and losing one), coaching, financial literacy, and investment. It was a fun one!

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아프리카 디아스포라의 이야기| The One with Ms. Kemi Seriki – On Stories from Africans in the Diaspora: Episode 1 (2023)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Ms. Kemi Seriki – On Stories from Africans in the Diaspora

It’s Black History Month on this side of the pond. Though we get the shortest month in the year we gon’ make it loud and long. And what better way to do this than having a chat with a Nigerian who’s passionate about pan-African relationships and has made it her life work to close the social distance between our cousins (Blacks abroad) and us? I chatted with Ms. Kemi Seriki of the Pánsá Pánsá Forum, a Nigerian immigrant of Yoruba ethnic diversity.

We talked about life in the diaspora, staying connected to the Motherland, negotiating national, ethnic, and racial identities as Black immigrants, improving race relations with native-born Blacks and other communities, and so much more.

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혼자아니야| The One with Olabimpe Shode - On Suicide - Inspired by tWitch’s Story: Episode 36 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Olabimpe Shode - On Suicide - Inspired by tWitch’s Story

2022 has been quite the year. As we wrap it up, Bimpe and I thought to share our thoughts on a critical topic – suicide inspired by a recent event. A few weeks ago, Stephen "tWitch" Boss, aged 40, a husband, father, DJ, and former executive producer of "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" died by suicide. Though we both don't have any personal ties to him, the news of his demise affected us. Suicide rates have peaked in recent years due to COVID, and men, especially Black men, have been reported to be at a higher risk. So, here's a reminder to check in on them.

In this episode, we shared our collective experiences with suicide, near brushes, and those we lost through it. In her book, Stay: A History of Suicide and the Philosophies Against It, Jennifer Michael Hecht said, "Suicides happen in clusters, with one person's suicide influencing the other's. If a parent commits suicide, his or her children are three times as likely to do so at some point in their lives. People in the act of committing suicide may feel isolated, but, in fact, they are deeply connected to those around." As Hecht put it, if you want your loved ones to make it through their dark nights, you have to make it through yours.'

And if you are reading this at a very tender and vulnerable moment, we are here to remind you that you are needed here with us. So consider staying; you are not forgotten! We are rooting for you. Stay.

Happy New Year!

Love ya!

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친구가 아니라 웬수야| The One with Olabimpe Shode - With Friends Like Those - The Shanquella Robinson Story: Episode 35 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:  슬픔과 상실의 항해| The One with Olabimpe Shode - On Navigating Grief & Loss: Episode 31 (2022)

In this week's episode, I am joined by a very good friend of mine, Bimpe. We have a conversation around grief, loss, and navigating unexpected incidents. This is inspired by the recent loss experienced by popular artist Davido and the Itaewon Halloween disaster. 

I shared two particular incidents when I thought I had lost my little girl and how that made me feel. Bimpe shares her own experience with grief and how this affected her. We also have a well-rounded conversation around various topics, such as the safety of children and tips on grieving, abuse, and healing.

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두 번의 암 생존자| The One with Udie Soko - Two-time Cancer Survivor: Episode 34 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:  두 번의 암 생존자| The One with Udie Soko - Two-time Cancer Survivor: Episode 34 (2022)

In this week's episode, I interview an amazing woman that has led and continues to live a meaningful life. She is a two-time cancer survivor (breast and lymph nodes) and an advocate for cancer awareness and has founded a society called the Zambian cancer society in her country, Zambia, Africa. 

Of course, she shares her story with us. Her lessons along the way and how this has shaped her life. I hope this episode inspires you and is as informative as it was for me. Here’s a sign, if you needed one, to go get your health checked!

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무슨 냄새야?| The One with Olabimpe Shode - What’s That Smell?: Episode 33 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

무슨 냄새야?| The One with Olabimpe Shode - What’s That Smell?: Episode 33 (2022)

Guess who's back? Yes, you guessed right, it's Olabimpe! My “I'll say it as it is, won't hide the truth from you” friend. This week, we are keeping it real (as always) and exchanging tips and stories about personal hygiene. Crotch smell, funky boxes, body odor, mouth odor - we went there, all the way, without holding anything back!

Ours today is a conversation some people may be uncomfortable with, but it is essential because there are lessons to learn that may help someone out there.

Also, my co-host Ayomide won't be with us for a while, so it's just us for the time being. Enjoy the episode, and take care of your boxes!

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나의 기쁨을 환영한다| The One with Koli Ori Akpet - On Creativity and Careers: Episode 32 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

나의 기쁨을 환영한다| The One with Koli Ori Akpet - On Creativity and Careers: Episode 32 (2022)

In this week's episode, our guest on the show is Koli Ori Akpet (@manlikekoli). We have an exciting conversation about the creative space and how he has nurtured his creative skills while maintaining his career. Trained as a lawyer, he also describes himself as a singer, songwriter, and poet.

We learn more about his creative skills, who and where he draws inspiration from, his lessons, and advice for upcoming creatives.

He released an album titled. Welcome to my joy early this year (February), and you can stream it on all music platforms. Find Koli on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/@koli3750 and on IG and Twitter as @manlikekoli

Finally, Koli shared this quote: “The same things you were bullied about as a child are the very same things that make you a unique adult.” We’d like to hear from you about your childhood attributes that you’ve been able to turn around as a unique selling point as an adult.

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슬픔과 상실의 항해| The One with Bimpe Shode - On Navigating Grief & Loss: Episode 31 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Bimpe Shode - On Navigating Grief & Loss (Inspired by the Davido & Itaewon Incidents)

In this week's episode, I am joined by a very good friend of mine, Bimpe. We have a conversation around grief, loss, and navigating unexpected incidents. This is inspired by the recent loss experienced by popular artist Davido and the Itaewon Halloween disaster.

I shared two particular incidents when I thought I had lost my little girl and how that made me feel. Bimpe shares her own experience with grief and how this affected her. We also have a well-rounded conversation around various topics, such as the safety of children and tips on grieving, abuse, and healing.

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안녕 나의 친구들| The One with the Mo!nologue - How Are You, Mosiblings?: Episode 30 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

안녕 나의 친구들| The One with the Mo!nologue - How Are You, Mosiblings?: Episode 30 (2022)

In this week's episode, we have only one of our hosts, Mo - oh, and her lovely toddler girl, and she shares how she's been celebrating her birthday month: traveling, one of her favorite things! She spent the first half of her trip enjoying quality time with her husband, T-Dawg (you should check out their episodes!), and the next half was in Europe, which she loved and will visit again.

She also shares some not-so-great parts of her travel, especially missing her baby girl. Finally, she talks about the highlights of her trip, where she'd love to relocate, the beautiful places she's visited, her thoughts on good and bad experiences, and how she's doing. We'd love to know how you are doing, so do let us know in the comments below: how are you doing?

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콘크리트 목초지| The One with Nancy Mulemwa Siisii - Concrete Pastures: From Zambia To NYC: Episode 29 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 콘크리트 목초지| The One with Nancy Mulemwa Siisii - Concrete Pastures: From Zambia To NYC: Episode 29 (2022)

Our guest for this episode is Nancy Mulelwa Siisii, a fellow podcaster who shares her immigration story from Mongu, Zambia, to New York City, spanning 20 years!

As a dreamer, she had and continues to have a passion for making substantive bonds with audiences and helping to inspire people to reach for their dreams. Being an immigrant has been one of her life's most challenging and extraordinary experiences. It inspired her to start her podcast “Concrete Pastures: An African Immigrant Storyas a platform to reach out to fellow immigrants and dreamers.

Nancy started out as a babysitter in New York before transitioning to McDonald's and Bloomingdale’s and finally making her way as a branch manager in one of the top financial institutions in the world.

Currently separated from her partner of 15 years, we explored the pains of failed relationships, especially when children are involved. Most importantly, gaining clarity on the part both individuals play when relationships don’t work out anymore.

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조기 유방암 진단| The One With Nkechi Blessing Ugboaja (Kosi) - On Her Recent Breast Cancer Diagnosis at 39: Episode 28 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

조기 유방암 진단| The One With Nkechi Blessing Ugboaja (Kosi) - On Her Recent Breast Cancer Diagnosis at 39: Episode 28 (2022)

In this week's episode, we (Ayomide and I) interview Ugboaja Nkechi Blessing, popularly called Kosi. She is a medical laboratory scientist in her early 30s and married with two adorable young daughters. She was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year, and we talked a good bit about how this has changed the trajectory of her life as a wife and young mother of two with no medical insurance.

We often have our life planned; unfortunately, life sometimes happens, and we need to soldier on. Life happened for Kosi, and she shares how this new information concerning her health has impacted her and the loved ones around her. We had a conversation about cancer and what it means, how she and her family are handling the diagnosis, how she detected it early by herself, and her next steps.

Please donate whatever you can by clicking on this gofundme link.

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내 불안에 대한 모든 것| The One with Mo!’s Anxiety - On Living With Your Own Brain: Episode 27 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 내 불안에 대한 모든 것| The One with Mo!’s Anxiety - On Living With Your Own Brain: Episode 27 (2022)

In this episode, Ayomide interviewed me (again), but from the perspective of my relationship with anxiety. We talked about how I have been struggling with anxiety and the relationship between my anxiety and my parents. For context, my mum had me at 21, before marriage, and she was from a typical Christian home. I have struggled with anxiety as far back as I can remember—I cannot remember any time I wasn’t. Ayomide went through my experiences with me, and we discussed how I could be better going forward, especially in light of how I view myself and rub off on my daughter.

Of course, this is my own story, and your mileage may vary. Still, I have often found the stories of others helpful. Hopefully, you’ll find something to take away from my stories of living with anxiety, handling complicated relationships and cases, dealing with childhood trauma and its later effects, and coming out positive.

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여태까지는 그런대로 잘됐다| The One with Mo!- Episode 200 - So Far So… Good?: Episode 26 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents:

여태까지는 그런대로 잘됐다| The One with Mo!- Episode 200 - So Far So… Good?: Episode 26 (2022)

It’s our 200th episode! Forgive us if we feel a little proud of this significant feat! For context, only 1% of podcasts make it past 20 episodes–we’ve just hit ten times that, putting us in the stratosphere! (We certainly feel that way!)

You can blame our excitement, then, that the guest on today’s show is–me! I get to be interviewed by Doc Ayomide on the journey thus far. We thought it would be a good time to chat about the creative process and the consistency it took to get here. Getting to 200 is way past being creative; it has become a lifestyle. I won’t lie, I was nervous when we first discussed it–I am used to asking the questions–but it turned out to be a lot of fun!

Ayomide’s questions made me think: I got to advise my younger self when she was about to begin a podcast and shared my best episode and episodes I thought wouldn’t connect but did.

We also discussed the changes in my life since I began the podcast and how I have responded to them. I started this podcast to learn more about people's cultures, but I ended up gaining the wonderful community that is you all. I also talked about the future and expectations. Words don’t suffice, however, so….

P.S: We are celebrating 200 episodes with a virtual party! It’s happening on the 1st of October at 10 am CST/4 PM WAT. Lots of cash prizes to be won!

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무한한 은혜| The One with Grace Mulenga - On Grace Beyond Borders: Episode 25 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 무한한 은혜| The One with Grace Mulenga - On Grace Beyond Borders: Episode 25 (2022)

In this episode, we’re joined by Grace Mulenga, a good friend who was born and raised in the beautiful country of Zambia, aka the smile of Africa. I met Grace in Austin, Texas, over five years ago, and she still lives and works there with her husband, Chiluba, and enjoys serving their community through various initiatives.

Among her many accomplishments, Grace is delighted to serve and uplift others. She is a public speaker on various platforms and a keynote speaker at charity fundraisers, church ministry, and community youth programs. She has served on the alumni Bootcamp panel for first-year MBA students for several years and recently published her first book, Audacious Destiny, an inspirational spiritual memoir of a journey of resilience and faith.

Grace moved to the US at the tender age of 19, but she didn’t have it easy in Zambia, but that has not stopped her from making a success of her life in the US. She had to put in the work, and her focus and direction, even from a young age, helped set her apart. The last of eight girls, she shared her experience with her sisters and as a black immigrant woman in D.C and Texas and how she has surmounted her challenges.

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멋진 가나인들| The One with The Oseis - On Building Love, Family & Careers: Episode 24 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 멋진 가나인들| The One with The Oseis - On Building Love, Family & Careers: Episode 24 (2022)

This episode is a LIVE one! And we are doing something else differently; our guests are a couple! I met Nana Osei first as a student at my university who was leaving as I started as an assistant professor. A mutual friend connected us, and the rest, as they say, is history.

The Oseis are from Ghana. Nana is a pharmacist (PharmD), while Richard has a Ph.D. in computer science and is very passionate about sharing his knowledge with the next generation. He started at church and is currently a full-time assistant professor teaching computer science courses at Langston University. He also volunteers to teach young black kids to code. As a teacher, he’s very passionate about sharing his knowledge with the next generation.

They shared how they met, moved to a new country as a newlywed couple, and then went on to have kids. They also shared their experience raising Cassie, who is on the autism spectrum. We discussed how our home countries, Nigeria and Ghana, are hurting, our leadership issues, and other issues that need to be worked on for our countries to experience progress. They also shared how they are building their careers, volunteering for causes they are passionate about, and still giving their family and children the required attention.

Finally, we discussed the implication of the recent passing of the Queen of England on colonized countries, whether the monarchy is still relevant, and whether we should even be having conversations about the monarchy in light of all the African artifacts and money still in their possession.

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자폐증의 우주 및 작업| The One with Chioma Nwokolo - On Space & Work in Autism: Episode 23 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Chioma Nwokolo - On Space & Work in Autism

I met Chioma in secondary school (Federal Government Girls’ College, Oyo). We didn’t talk much until later, although I would see her a lot on Facebook doing her thing and being inspirational. Since I shared my experience with my daughter Ariife, Chioma has been one of her most loving online aunties. We recently got into a conversation and talked more about what she’s been up to, and I knew she had to come on the podcast.

Chioma is a child development tutor and therapist who specializes in helping kids with autism. You feel so much passion when she talks about these topics. We started by talking a bit about her experiences thus far, and she shared about being born in Lagos and why she moved to Jos and then Abuja, where she has been for the last eighteen years.

Chioma shared her experience at FGGC Oyo, the values instilled in her, and how they have formed her to become the woman she is today. An educationist, she shared the challenges and possible solutions to the failing Nigerian educational system. She shares ideas and strategies for effecting the change we all want to see.

How did she begin working with children with special needs? She tells us and shares how to care for children with special needs and how the Nigerian government might build better structures to support children with special needs and their parents.

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부르키나파소 과학자 되기| The One with Farida Yada - Being Burkinabe and an Immigrant Reproductive Health Scientist: Episode 22 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 부르키나파소 과학자 되기| The One with Farida Yada - Being Burkinabe and an Immigrant Reproductive Health Scientist: Episode 22 (2022)

This week’s guest, Farida, is from Burkina Faso, a country with the highest population of elephants in Western Africa, also known as the “land with the honest men.” She speaks a little Korean; you already know how special Korea is to me.

She describes herself to be a daughter of God, a wisdom seeker, and a soldier of Yahweh. An international scholar with a master’s degree in public health and health services research, focusing on maternal and child health, especially in African populations. She is interested in immigrant reproductive health.

Farida spent her first seventeen years in Burkina Faso and took us through her experiences when she was there and even her perspectives after she left for the USA. Like every African country, Burkina Faso has its own distinct challenges, especially as they still have a lot of allegiance to its colonizers, France. From winning awards for being the most peaceful country in Africa, the country, painfully, has become a shadow of herself. We have similar issues between Nigeria and Burkina Faso and explored these areas.

She shared her experience with moving to the USA at the young age of 17, the culture shocks, how she has been navigating dealing with personal issues, and her perspective of the USA since she moved here 12 years ago.

Farida is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Maternal and Child Health, and she is an overachiever. She shares her educational journey, research, work, and motivations with us.

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사명을 가진 남자| The One With Dr. Henry Olamiju - Man On A Mission: Episode 21 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 사명을 가진 남자| The One With Dr. Henry Olamiju - Man On A Mission: Episode 21 (2022)

In this episode, we have Dr. Henry Olamiju - our dear friend from Uni days! It’s also the first podcast he’s featured on, so yay!

Henry, a minister of the gospel and medic, grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and currently lives in the UK. He’s the first child of three boys and graduated from the University of Lagos, where Ayomide and I met him independently. Over the last twelve years, he’s worked in medical missions and has held many leadership positions in the last twenty-six years.

He shared how Lagos was when he was growing up in the 80s, giving us heartwarming stories of his experiences and the difference from what it is today. He gave a few examples of what amazed him about being in the UK, the cultural and fundamental problems and challenges his home country has, and how he thinks they can be solved. We also dwelled on the grief that comes with living abroad.

We talked about punctuality in various places in the world, contrasting how these countries have developed promptness or not and the things we have lost due to migrating to the West. How has he been building a community and bonding in a new country? How has he been raising his family with intentionality in the UK?

Henry is a man so passionate about not just Nigeria but everything he lays his hands on. The conversation was informative and fun, and we are humbled to have him share his knowledge with us.

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미국에서 남아프리카로| The One With Essence - From New York to Johannesburg: Episode 20 (2022)

미국에서 남아프리카로| The One With Essence - From New York to Johannesburg: Episode 20 (2022)

How does one buy the house of their dreams in New York and then suddenly move to Johannesburg? That’s Essence Hayes’ story. Essence is a returning guest who I met through a community of podcasters on Facebook and who has helped me with Livestream questions during the pandemic.

Born and bred in New York, she recently moved to Johannesburg, South Africa, after first going on a yearly trip with friends and then being convinced by one of them to move. In this episode, she takes us through why she moved and her experience since, especially as a Black American in a country like South Africa, where identity politics is hugely relevant.

We discussed the difference in cost of living between New York and Johannesburg, the challenges in both cities, and how she has been building a community for herself and her child in a new environment.

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