Posts tagged Relationships
어버이날| Unbreakable Bonds: A Father's Day Special with Paula and Mr. Theophan Mulamula: Episode 7 (2024)

어버이날| Unbreakable Bonds: A Father's Day Special with Paula and Mr. Theophan Mulamula: Episode 7 (2024)

Today’s episode is unique as we celebrate Father's Day with two extraordinary guests, Paula and her father, Mr Theophan Mulamula. I first stumbled upon Paula's story a couple of years ago through a podcast she did with her dad, which left a lasting impression on me. Now, I’m thrilled to have them both share their experiences. Paula's admiration for her dad is palpable. She recounts cherished memories from her childhood in Tanzania to her current life in Georgia, each story highlighting her father's unwavering support and love. One significant moment she shared was during a chaotic night in Tanzania, where her father's calm presence and quick action reassured her and her friends amidst a crisis. It's moments like these that exemplify their strong bond.

During our conversation, it becomes clear that Paula and her father have a bond beyond traditional father-daughter relationships. Mr. Mulamula, a single father, candidly discusses his challenges as a parent and his unconventional approach to parenting. Growing up in a traditional African household with strict discipline, he recognized the need for a different approach with his children.

Paula, who affectionately refers to herself as a "daddy's girl," describes how their bond developed over time. From daring adventures in Tanzania to her adolescent rebellion, their path was distinguished by mutual respect and understanding. She cherishes her father's support throughout her life, from cutting her hair to expressing her feelings about his girlfriends. Their partnership exemplifies the power of unconditional love and mutual respect in building a good parent-child relationship.

We touched on essential topics ranging from Paula's background in Tanzania to her adventures in Georgia. One remarkable incident was when Paula went to Birmingham without saying anything, leaving her family apprehensive until she called her father. It symbolized their trust and understanding, a link that transcended space and time. Another poignant event was Mr. Mulamula's honest sex education discussion with Paula, an uncommon and bold step for a dad of his time. Tune in to this beautiful episode.

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취약성 수용|The One with Kemi Sope-Agbebi  - Navigating Life's Challenges with Courage and Connection: Episode 5 (2024)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 취약성 수용|The One with Kemi Sope-Agbebi  - Navigating Life's Challenges with Courage and Connection: Episode 5 (2024). She has

I am thrilled to welcome my long-time friend and former student, Kemi Sope-Agbebi, also known as KSA. Kemi has journeyed remarkably from her days in pharmacy school to becoming the Global Head of Special Projects at mPharma. She also leads Room 707, an initiative she started in 2021 to support young people facing challenges like grief, depression, addictions, and abuse, having helped over 300 individuals so far.

Kemi's story is one of strength and dedication. We explored our shared history, her personal experiences with loss, and her unwavering commitment to mentoring others and breaking the stigma around seeking help. Kemi opened up about growing up in a family where her father's desire for a son made her feel unwanted. Despite this, she excelled academically, driven by a desire to prove her father wrong. However, her achievements were overshadowed by bitterness and a lack of fulfillment. She candidly discussed her struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts, emphasizing the importance of addressing mental health issues early on.

Kemi's transformation is truly inspiring. She embraced forgiveness, highlighting the importance of letting go of past grievances for personal growth and healing. Her work with Room 707 underscores the necessity of seeking help without stigma and the critical role of open communication between parents and children. She stressed the psychological impact of parental comments and the need for safe spaces where children can express themselves without fear of criticism.

Furthermore, Kemi praised her husband's unwavering support in her personal and professional life. She discussed the evolution of Room 707 from a church-based initiative to a global platform for mental health support, offering group therapy sessions and exploring broader accessibility through technology. 

Kemi's narrative is a powerful testament to the transformative power of forgiveness and the human capacity for growth. Her story highlights the importance of resilience, open communication, and tailored parenting, providing hope and a call to action for better mental health support and understanding.

Find her on IG @yourroom707.

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인종간 입양인|The One with Christelle Pellecuer - Between Worlds: A Transracial Adoptee's Journey from Madagascar to France: Episode 2 (2024)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 인종간 입양인|The One with Christelle Pellecuer - Between Worlds: A Transracial Adoptee's Journey from Madagascar to France: Episode 2 (2024)


In this episode, Christelle Pellecuer, a certified coach empowering black adoptees, joined us on The More Sibyl Podcast to share her journey of self-discovery and cultural identity. As a transracial adoptee (someone who has been adopted into a family of a different racial or ethnic background) from Madagascar raised in France, Christelle's narrative is one of resilience, growth, and the ongoing quest for identity.

The conversation explored Christelle's experiences growing up in France, feeling disconnected from her Malagasy roots, and the complexities of transracial adoption. She shared poignant moments from her childhood, highlighting the challenges of navigating her identity in a predominantly white environment. Despite these hurdles, Christelle's story is one of hope and perseverance.

One of the most powerful moments of the episode was when Christelle spoke about the joy of reconnecting with her African roots. She expressed the bittersweet realization of not fully embracing her heritage earlier in life, citing the "black tax" as a barrier to cultural understanding. However, she emphasized the importance of embracing one's identity and urged families to do better in fostering cultural connection. Christelle also shared her reflection on her journey as a mother. She candidly shared the challenges of raising her daughter while still grappling with her own identity. Through her experiences, Christelle learned the value of self-awareness and the importance of creating a supportive environment for her daughter's growth.

Throughout the conversation, Christelle stresses the active involvement of adoptive parents in their child's cultural education, advocating for the incorporation of cultural elements into the home and participation in cultural events. She concludes by encouraging listeners to embrace self-awareness and explore their identities, highlighting the adoption journey as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Christelle's story serves as a powerful reminder that perseverance and self-reflection can lead to finding belonging despite the challenges of transracial adoption.

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관계의 동력 역학| The One With The Two - On Power Dynamics In Relationships: Episode 16 (2022)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: 관계의 동력 역학| The One With The Two - On Power Dynamics In Relationships: Episode 16 (2022)

In this episode, Ayomide and I talked about power dynamics in relationships and the forms they may occur. People often hesitate to talk about power dynamics in relationships–many perceive power as negative or manipulative. But power can be useful–even useful–for both parties in a relationship and can come in many forms: a friend who helped bring you out of a tough season, a teacher who helped form the values that have shaped you, or a friend you admire and who gives you good advice. But simply not talking about power makes it easier to be abused in relationships.

What exactly is power, and how does or should it affect relationships? What forms does the power take? How do we ensure we are using it for the good of others and just ourselves? When do power dynamics go bad in relationships? What do you do when you feel intimidated? This episode addresses all of these and more.

Listen to the full episode here.

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